If you don't already know about these wonderful tees, be sure to check them out, they are awesome. I already gave my wishlist to my hubby and have a tee that I want to get for Charlotte. Plus they are having a giveaway right now, so what better time to check them out. Just click on the pic above...
This is the way my sweet girl sleeps. On her tummy and sucking on her thumb. I have tried and tried to convince her that the pacifier would be a better choice than her thumb, but with no luck. She spits it out and finds her thumb instead everytime. And the tummy sleeping, I know it is outlawed these days but my poor girl has some pretty intense reflux (on medication) and back sleeping is not a option for us. Isn't she just so sweet!
Charlotte loves to have stuff the same as Ainsley. Here they are with their flowers. Charlotte loves her new hat, and I love putting headbands on Ainlsey. Too Cute!!
And the only picture I managed to take of our Thanksgiving, the Turkey. My mom helped me prep it and I cooked it. It was delicious. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving as well.
I talked our photographer, who is also a friend of ours, into making a few more low resolution pics to use on my blog. These are 4 more of my favorites. It was so hard to decide which to print we had so many good ones, but I have finally finalized my order, and that was a task. Oh and Merry Christmas, we are decorating early around here...including our blog!
We recently took family portraits, and they came out so well. It will be hard to choose the ones to get in prints. These are a couple of sneak peaks. To see the rest go to this link: Family Photos.
I cherish Charlotte's gotcha video so much that I wanted to make one for Ainsley as well. And even though I birthed Ainsley, she still had a gotcha....the day we saw her in the world for the very first time. Many of you know that this was actually our 5th pregnancy (6th if you count our paper pregnancy.) Our 1st pregnancy gave us Ethan, our 2nd through 4th are little angels in heaven, our 5th is Charlotte, and our 6th Ainsley. After having Ethan we tried for 2 long years to have another baby. We even went through Invitro. We got pregnant twice, but lost both. That is when our hearts were opened to what God had in store for us and He gave us Charlotte. I really believe if we had another baby before Charlotte that we would not have her right now. We thought at first we were going with Plan B, but soon realized that it was God's plan all along. Then when we were 2 weeks out from leaving for China, I was pregnant again. But lost the baby soon after. I often thought to myself maybe God is just reminding me that I can get pregnant but to remember it is all in His hands. Then we started dossier #2 and shortly after completing our home study found out we were pregnant again. I was very guarded and did not tell anyone for a long time. I needed to be sure this time. As the weeks turned to months, I felt so grateful for the amazing gift growing inside of me. And she is so much more than we could have asked for or imagined. Our family, completely crafted by God. We could not have asked for anything more perfect. Hope you enjoy the video!
Here are my two little Ladybugs and Obi Wan Kanobi. Ainsley was not too excited about pictures at first. But once she ate she got into a more festive mood!