Charlotte always introduces Ainsley as "My little sweetie pie," which is just so adorable, isn't it. She really loves her baby sister and Ainsley loves her big sis just as much. She squeals with delight in the mornings when she sees Charlotte for the first time. Next sunday I am going to try and have some shots of them together in action. But these photos I took today were too cute not to post right away. I think they really show her personality. She is full of spunk, believe me. She even has a little temper. I know you don't believe it with that sweet little smile. But she has already thrown temper tantrums when not getting her way. And she does not give up easily. Say a couple of extra prayers for me. Two little fiesty girls-I need it!!!!-HA!
Boy do I know about those fiesty girls:) Fun and frustrating all at the same time!! Hehe!! Your fiesty one is just adorable!!!
Oh my goodness, she has grown since I saw you at the national reunion in October! What a precious girl, and I love that she loves her sister. Not much sweeter than sisterly love!
Oh my she looks like trouble ! I love that they are so close! I love watching my two little girls play together. Maybe I will copy your idea and try to snap a few of these two playing together as well!
Oh how she has grown sonce October!!! That smile, it'll just melt your heart :)
Awwww, I LOVE to hear how Charlotte introduces her little sister!! So sweet!!
And what a blessing that they are so close!
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